
How do poems grow?

getting color

How do poems grow?

They begin deep down in the pit of the soul

A seedling of a thought

rumbling around in the blank darkness.

First they are nurtured with observation,

With Contemplation.

After a bit of time, for they can’t be rushed,

They are ready to be brought out…

And with a bit of patience

they emerge,

one word at a time

until they are fully formed

They grow from the soul…

nl avery

From Sea to Shining Sea


from sea to shining sea_sm
All around the neighborhoods,
in the cities, on the farmlands, in the mountains, along the beachy shores …
Americans celebrate Independence Day…the Fourth of July.
When skies are doused with the smells from smoky barbecues and diamond sparklers…
and the night skies are ablaze with a show of fireworks that dazzle, awe,
 and surprise…
Dogs will bark, some will hide, while children coax them out from under the bed with soggy hot dog buns.
 How lucky are we to be able to celebrate this historic occasion,
while  others round the globe are unable to express freedoms such as ours.


A Poured Cat


taking the plunge _ new small

A Poured Cat

Let me pour you a cat

With a long slinky tail

And grey whiskers.

It will slide perfectly

If you don’t stir too hard,

But rather with a gentle shake.

it stretches and elongates,

As it drips and swirls

Like soft chocolate ice cream.

With front paws extended

and the head following

It will fit perfectly

in its little cat bed.

nl avery